Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Debt Reduction Services

Don't ever type those words in your search engine UNLESS you want 1,000,000 people to call you to help you out of your financial woes. This is how I spent my day yesterday only to be told that what I did was probably not the right thing to have done, it is so confusing I turned off my phone today just to STOP THE INSANITY!!!!

I WAS down 2 more pounds this morning, 9.5 lbs. It will probably slow down so I better figure out some way to stay pumped and not get stressed over the FINANCIAL CRISIS I am living through. I really just want to curl up in a ball and make believe I'm 6.

I hope it is not too cold (windy) tonight so I can get on my bike and ride away.

I am beginning to think this Blog should be named "Thelma's Big Bitch Fest".

Hey I watched "The Biggest Loser" last night, well 10 minutes of it at least. I made the mistake of telling one of my sons my finanacial bloopers that day and he had all sorts of information for me. I head was reeling!!! Well I better get off this thing. Tootles!!

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