We survived the weekend and I am down 6.5 lbs. We did some great home improvements and mended some fence only to find the horse out again this morning. He is going to be the dealth of my sanity yet! I don't know if I mentioned it but my refridgerator is still on the fritz as the parts that were order were WRONG!!!!! It will be 4 more days.
I spent most of my weekend in a pissy mood as I was telling Louise this morning over coffee. I will not even mention why because it is so embarrassing. But as usual the pastor's words Sunday morning brought me back down to earth and I am gettting over it. Being 50 sometimes can be more exhausting than you think, am I'm almost out of Happy Camper, my new supply better get here Fast. I got an email today stating they shipped 9/14/07. So poor Elmo might be spared.. Poor man, I about bit his head off several times this weekend, some was deserved, some not. He got his kiss on the way out the door this morning so all should be forgiven.
Here's a picture of Elmo and Haus, our cowboy son on his way to his next adventure. They got all gussied up for this picture, even got out the Sunday guns.
Oh I forgot, I'm suppose to be writing about my quest for good health. That's tuff when you have no refridge. I had all my veggies and fruits and not too many fats or carbs but on sunday, there was really no choices, sooo.... Elmo and I ate the rest of the Low Calorie Moose Tracks ice cream out of the Freezer. It tasted great and now it's gone. Biggest Loser is on tomorrow evening and I'll be there.
Gotta go, Tootles!!!!
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