Friday, September 14, 2007

Okay, Let's get this thing started!!

Hello All,

I am two days into my quest for better health and already, I feel great!! I told Dennis about this blog I started and he poo-pooed it so I will have to work him into it, but none the less he is also on a quest for good health. We know all the secrets and are eager to put them into use. One problem we have had in the past is that we never seem to be on the same page at the same time. But for the moment we are, so we'll go with it and see how far it takes us.
My inspiration right now, is 'The Biggest Loser', I was not going to watch it this season but flipped over to it and was hooked again. So right after they weighed, I weighed. It was a gastly 225, which means I have put on 75 lbs since my brother died April of 06. Oh now I am not blaming it on that, it is just my reference point. I know that I was at a low point, weight wise, then. So it's no wonder my bones hurt, my head hurts, I have a deep loathing for myself. I have all these home improvements I want to accomplish but am too sore to get up. I had my grandsons over for a couple days and even with help, I hurt like the dicken's. I want to do that again so I gotta get off my butt and get my head on straight and start loving me enough to not kill myself with this destructive behavior.
Okay I am now going to find a before picture and put it on here and then get on my bike and go see Louise for coffee. Tootles!!!


Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Thelma, YOU GO GIRL!!! I am behind you or beside you all the way!!!

Gramma Brobeck! said...

I know you are, Thanks Gobbs!!